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8:00 am
Men’s Brotherhood Breakfast 8 AM
Faith, Food, and Fellowship The Brotherhood of CFBC comprises all men who wish to be a part. Our meetings generally include getting together for food, fellowship, and devotional time. The mission of the brotherhood is to identify, organize, and meet ministry needs in our community. Our monthly breakfast is held on the last Sunday of […]
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Worship! 9 AM & 11 AM
We Have A Place For You! Early riser? Busy day? Join us at 9 AM for our early Worship service. We meet in the sanctuary for a more condensed worship experience with music and the Word. Late night? Not an early bird? We also meet in the sanctuary at 11 AM for our morning Worship […]
Find out more »9:45 am
11:00 am
Eternal Vision in Concert
Centralhatchee First Baptist Church is honored to announce Eternal Vision, from Knoxville TN, will be in concert with us on Sunday, May 25th. Eternal Vision is a multi-talented, Southern gospel group that loves to minister with song, testimony, and comedy. Eternal Vision is a multi-award-winning group that travels 50 weeks a year. They have been featured […]
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