Jubilee Sr. Adult Conference
April 13 @ 1:00 pm - April 17 @ 5:00 pm

Are you ready for one of our favorite annual trips? Senior adults save the date of April 13th-April 17th (we have extended the dates for more fun and sun!) for a trip to the beautiful beaches of Destin, FL., and the Springtime Jubilee Conference! The conference includes top music and comedy by Guy Penrod, Chonda Pierce, the LeFevre Quartet, the Hoppers, and Gold City. Our speakers will include Ted Taylor, Jeff Fortress, and Johnny Hunt. On top of that, we will have 3 days in beautiful Destin. Near the conference center are abundant entertainment and shopping options for your free time plus some great restaurants. Conference and lodging is only $399 per person for double occupancy. Please designate on your check or envelope-Jubilee. To register make your $100 non-refundable deposit by February 23rd. There are sign-up sheets at the Welcome Centers and the bulletin board.
*To see the full line up and itinerary, visit https://www.jubileeconferences.com/fall/spring.html